Genre: Action, Sci-Fi
Cert: 18 cert
Director: Drew Goddard
Production Companies: ABC Studios , DeKnight Productions ,Marvel Entertainment
Walt Disney Company
Distributors: Netflix
Starring: Charlie Cox, Deborah Ann Woll , Elden Henson , Rosario Dawson , Bob Gunton , Vondie Curtis-Hall , Ayelet Zurer , Vincent D'Onofrio , Toby Leonard Moore , Rob Morgan , Wai Ching Ho , Geoffrey Cantor , Susan Varon , Peter Shinkoda , Nikolai Nikolaeff , Tom Walker , Chris Tardio , Judith Delgado , Amy Rutberg , Skylar Gaertner , Daryl Edwards , Matt Gerald , Suzanne H. Smart , Angel Rosa , Phyllis Somerville , Alex Falberg , John Patrick Hayden , Royce Johnson
Seasons: Season 1
Running time: 60 min per episode, 13 episode
Parents advised to read before viewing film as some scene may contain scenes unsuitable for younger viewers.
Sex & Nudity: Three women are seen being kidnapped with the explicit intention of being sold for human trafficking, although they are saved by Daredevil. Later in the episode a woman removes her shirt and changes into a new one, very briefly she is seen topless in profile. A young boy is kidnapped by the same traffickers from earlier in the episode. However, he is seen again, as Daredevil continues searching for him in episode 2.
It is mentioned that a young boy is kidnapped with the intention of being sold into human trafficking.
It is mentioned that a woman is being blackmailed with a sex tape.
Some sexual references such as "looking up girlies' skirts" and "burying stress between a model's thighs".
It is mentioned that a man raped his daughter repeatedly.
It is implied that a character has a one night stand with his ex.
A woman is shown in the shower (no nudity). Later in the episode, a woman talks to a man about their booty call.
Violence & Gore: Episode 1: Several fight scenes of heavy hand-to-hand combat. Bones can be heard breaking during the fight scenes. A woman wakes up next to a dead man with a bloody knife in her hands. Later she is attacked by a man who attempts to strangle her, she scratches his eye, with some visible blood. Even later, the same woman is attacked in her apartment by a man with a knife, who throws her around the room, but doesn't attack her with the knife.
Episode 2: Several fight scenes involving heavy hand-to-hand combat, complete with injuries and bones breaking. Several shots of injury detail in the episode, although the most violent scene involves torturing a man with a knife tip being shoved into a nerve above his eye. The man is then thrown off a building, There is a flashback where a young boy stitches up his father's injured face, and you see the needle going in and the man flinch. Daredevil's lung begins collapsing, and a nurse stabs him in the chest with a needle to relieve the pressure.
Episode 3: Several fight scenes involving heavy hand-to-hand combat, although the opening scene is the most violent in which a man has his arm broken so that the bone can be protruding from his skin and a bowling ball is used to smash his head in.
Episode 4: Two bloodied men are seen, obviously having already been tortured, in a Russian prison. One of them makes two shivs out of a dead man's rib bones. Later in the episode two men inject a comatose patient with Epinephrine, while doing so handle him roughly. A young man is seen scared and bloodied, having previously been beaten for information. A woman is kidnapped and brutalized by two men while being interrogated. A man is hit over the head with a crowbar, another is hit over the head with a bat. A man's head is smashed with a car door until decapitation.
Episode 5: A decapitated body is seen laid on a table, later being washed with a rag. An intense alleyway brawl happens, in which a man is shot in the head. Daredevil breaks a man's wrist and twists it during an interrogation of a crooked cop. leaving some people bloodied. Daredevil beats a man near-death.
Episode 6: A man has his fingers shot off his hand. An unarmed man is shot pointblank in the head. A man impaled in rubble after an explosion is seen bloodied and also coughing up blood, he is then tortured and afterward shot in the head. An injured bloodied man is seen bleeding out Several people are seen in a hospital with bloody injuries due to the aforementioned explosions.
Episode 7: A man has his hand chopped off (shown graphically in close-up) and his head sliced off (only shown with blood spatter on the wall). Outside of that scene the episode was pretty tame overall, just a lot of kung-fu fisticuffs throughout.
Episode 8: A man looks at himself in the mirror and literally sees himself as a boy, covered in blood. A man scuffles with and then instructs his son to beat up another boy who was mouthing off. Later this same man strikes and then beats his wife with a belt with his son in the room (although the actual violence is off screen, the focus of the scene is on the boy's face, yet the woman screaming/crying and the sounds of the belt smacking can be heard).
Episode 9: Daredevil is seen fighting several guys in an alleyway. He breaks one man's arm and twists it for information. Later in the episode, Daredevil interrogates a junkie and throws him into a stack of bottles, bloody injury detail on his hands and arms from the broken glass are shown. Daredevil is seen fighting a Nobu, whom is wielding a kusarigama. The blades slash Daredevil several times (complete with blood spray) and one eventually hooks him in his side and Daredevil is dragged.
Episode 10: Matt Murdock has a bloodied, lacerated, swollen face as well as stitches and bruises on his body throughout the episode. It is mentioned that a man raped his daughter repeatedly and got away with it, so Daredevil hunts him down and beats him until conscious. It is said later that the rapist's jaw was broken.
Episode 11: Daredevil has a brief fight with a man, although the fight is a draw and neither is actually badly injured.
Episode 12: Some hand-to-hand combat scenes. The body of a man who has been shot several times is seen, the front of his shirt bloodied. A man punches another man in the face until he is bloodied and unconscious. A man is strangled by another man, the scene is very intense.
Episode 13: A man throws another man down an elevator shaft. There are two shootouts in which several men die bloody. The season ends with a fight between Daredevil and Kingpin.
Profanity: Some casual profanity such as "damn", "hell", "ass", and "crap", but also some stronger language is used such as "shit", "bitch", "frickin'"/"friggin", "piss", "asshole", "dick", "prick", "nuts", and "pussy".
"Jesus" or "Christ" are said as an exclamation, sometimes "goddamn" is used.
"Screw you" or "Screw that" is said a few times.
"Mother-freakin'" and "Mother-effin'" are both said comedically, once each.
The middle finger is shot once.
"Suck my dick", "Whore", and "Jerk-off" are all once used as insults.
Alcohol/Drugs/Smoking:Episode 1: Briefly cocaine is seen being packaged for shipping.
Episode 9: A junkie is seen shooting up.
Episode 12: Cocaine is shown being packaged for shipment.
Frightening/Intense Scenes: Very intense. Human trafficking, including kidnapping of children, is a prominent subject matter. Innocents can be hurt and/or killed in this series. Violence is quite graphic.
Story: A blind lawyer, with his other senses super humanly enhanced, fights crime as a costumed superhero.
Likes : Could i honest say this is a perfect series, sadly no because it has a few flaws, but its ok in place but not something i find myself hook on, dosent really have the edge that CW Arrow has in pace & action but im going to give it a fair review but im not jumping on the marvel band wagon like most of the review are from.
The one thing this series had going for was the dark gritty concept but its not enough to make this a series anything to be hype about ya there are moments this series looks to be OK, Charlie Cox dose a pretty good job with the performance as Matt Murdock so there are praises there for the series, some of the other acting is ok, Vincent D'Onofrio as the king pin is ok but dosent really come off as Wilson Fisk the voice seem a little force at time but the acting is ok. i wasn't impressed with the first episode so i decide to watch the whole of season 1 to see if the show could redeem itself........ and I have to say the show sadly doesn't get any better than the first episode but some episode are better than other but still not a series worth the rating 9 out of 10.
Dislikes : The one thing ive noticed with daredevil is the length of the episodes, 1 hour long episode for its pacing is to much time for a slow pace series, i found myself getting bored of watching it wasn't actual grabbing my attention because i found my self doing other things normal a series im in to grabs my attention im glued to the screen sadly with this series i just could sit a watch this because every episode is the same pace i feel these episode are better off being 30 - 40 min long.
The lack variety in the series is poor, every episode feels the same dam thing that to me is boring not very exciting, i found this to be a very over rated series not worth the 9 out of 10. I'm not saying this because im not a fan of marvel im saying this as a film review because this series could have so much more potential but sadly fall short of that.
The other problem is the portrayal of the daredevil in this series, he suppose to be a superhuman with heighten sense which would mean he would be faster at reacting & win every fight without taken to much damage, yet this daredevil doesn't feel like daredevil because he gets he's ass kick to many time every time he gets in to a fight the concept of heighten sense complete goes out the window here this is weak writing for the character that's suppose to be a superhero.
Overall : Overrated series that's not worth the 9 out of 10, Episode are slow, only a few episode are good.
Rating: 4 out of 5 for entertainment / 5.7 out of 10 for concept / superhero theme.
Production Companies: ABC Studios , DeKnight Productions ,Marvel Entertainment
Walt Disney Company
Starring: Charlie Cox, Deborah Ann Woll , Elden Henson , Rosario Dawson , Bob Gunton , Vondie Curtis-Hall , Ayelet Zurer , Vincent D'Onofrio , Toby Leonard Moore , Rob Morgan , Wai Ching Ho , Geoffrey Cantor , Susan Varon , Peter Shinkoda , Nikolai Nikolaeff , Tom Walker , Chris Tardio , Judith Delgado , Amy Rutberg , Skylar Gaertner , Daryl Edwards , Matt Gerald , Suzanne H. Smart , Angel Rosa , Phyllis Somerville , Alex Falberg , John Patrick Hayden , Royce Johnson
Seasons: Season 1
Running time: 60 min per episode, 13 episode
Parents advised to read before viewing film as some scene may contain scenes unsuitable for younger viewers.
Sex & Nudity: Three women are seen being kidnapped with the explicit intention of being sold for human trafficking, although they are saved by Daredevil. Later in the episode a woman removes her shirt and changes into a new one, very briefly she is seen topless in profile. A young boy is kidnapped by the same traffickers from earlier in the episode. However, he is seen again, as Daredevil continues searching for him in episode 2.
It is mentioned that a young boy is kidnapped with the intention of being sold into human trafficking.
It is mentioned that a woman is being blackmailed with a sex tape.
Some sexual references such as "looking up girlies' skirts" and "burying stress between a model's thighs".
It is mentioned that a man raped his daughter repeatedly.
It is implied that a character has a one night stand with his ex.
A woman is shown in the shower (no nudity). Later in the episode, a woman talks to a man about their booty call.
Violence & Gore: Episode 1: Several fight scenes of heavy hand-to-hand combat. Bones can be heard breaking during the fight scenes. A woman wakes up next to a dead man with a bloody knife in her hands. Later she is attacked by a man who attempts to strangle her, she scratches his eye, with some visible blood. Even later, the same woman is attacked in her apartment by a man with a knife, who throws her around the room, but doesn't attack her with the knife.
Episode 2: Several fight scenes involving heavy hand-to-hand combat, complete with injuries and bones breaking. Several shots of injury detail in the episode, although the most violent scene involves torturing a man with a knife tip being shoved into a nerve above his eye. The man is then thrown off a building, There is a flashback where a young boy stitches up his father's injured face, and you see the needle going in and the man flinch. Daredevil's lung begins collapsing, and a nurse stabs him in the chest with a needle to relieve the pressure.
Episode 3: Several fight scenes involving heavy hand-to-hand combat, although the opening scene is the most violent in which a man has his arm broken so that the bone can be protruding from his skin and a bowling ball is used to smash his head in.
Episode 4: Two bloodied men are seen, obviously having already been tortured, in a Russian prison. One of them makes two shivs out of a dead man's rib bones. Later in the episode two men inject a comatose patient with Epinephrine, while doing so handle him roughly. A young man is seen scared and bloodied, having previously been beaten for information. A woman is kidnapped and brutalized by two men while being interrogated. A man is hit over the head with a crowbar, another is hit over the head with a bat. A man's head is smashed with a car door until decapitation.
Episode 5: A decapitated body is seen laid on a table, later being washed with a rag. An intense alleyway brawl happens, in which a man is shot in the head. Daredevil breaks a man's wrist and twists it during an interrogation of a crooked cop. leaving some people bloodied. Daredevil beats a man near-death.
Episode 6: A man has his fingers shot off his hand. An unarmed man is shot pointblank in the head. A man impaled in rubble after an explosion is seen bloodied and also coughing up blood, he is then tortured and afterward shot in the head. An injured bloodied man is seen bleeding out Several people are seen in a hospital with bloody injuries due to the aforementioned explosions.
Episode 7: A man has his hand chopped off (shown graphically in close-up) and his head sliced off (only shown with blood spatter on the wall). Outside of that scene the episode was pretty tame overall, just a lot of kung-fu fisticuffs throughout.
Episode 8: A man looks at himself in the mirror and literally sees himself as a boy, covered in blood. A man scuffles with and then instructs his son to beat up another boy who was mouthing off. Later this same man strikes and then beats his wife with a belt with his son in the room (although the actual violence is off screen, the focus of the scene is on the boy's face, yet the woman screaming/crying and the sounds of the belt smacking can be heard).
Episode 9: Daredevil is seen fighting several guys in an alleyway. He breaks one man's arm and twists it for information. Later in the episode, Daredevil interrogates a junkie and throws him into a stack of bottles, bloody injury detail on his hands and arms from the broken glass are shown. Daredevil is seen fighting a Nobu, whom is wielding a kusarigama. The blades slash Daredevil several times (complete with blood spray) and one eventually hooks him in his side and Daredevil is dragged.
Episode 10: Matt Murdock has a bloodied, lacerated, swollen face as well as stitches and bruises on his body throughout the episode. It is mentioned that a man raped his daughter repeatedly and got away with it, so Daredevil hunts him down and beats him until conscious. It is said later that the rapist's jaw was broken.
Episode 11: Daredevil has a brief fight with a man, although the fight is a draw and neither is actually badly injured.
Episode 12: Some hand-to-hand combat scenes. The body of a man who has been shot several times is seen, the front of his shirt bloodied. A man punches another man in the face until he is bloodied and unconscious. A man is strangled by another man, the scene is very intense.
Episode 13: A man throws another man down an elevator shaft. There are two shootouts in which several men die bloody. The season ends with a fight between Daredevil and Kingpin.
Profanity: Some casual profanity such as "damn", "hell", "ass", and "crap", but also some stronger language is used such as "shit", "bitch", "frickin'"/"friggin", "piss", "asshole", "dick", "prick", "nuts", and "pussy".
"Jesus" or "Christ" are said as an exclamation, sometimes "goddamn" is used.
"Screw you" or "Screw that" is said a few times.
"Mother-freakin'" and "Mother-effin'" are both said comedically, once each.
The middle finger is shot once.
"Suck my dick", "Whore", and "Jerk-off" are all once used as insults.
Alcohol/Drugs/Smoking:Episode 1: Briefly cocaine is seen being packaged for shipping.
Episode 9: A junkie is seen shooting up.
Episode 12: Cocaine is shown being packaged for shipment.
Frightening/Intense Scenes: Very intense. Human trafficking, including kidnapping of children, is a prominent subject matter. Innocents can be hurt and/or killed in this series. Violence is quite graphic.

Story: A blind lawyer, with his other senses super humanly enhanced, fights crime as a costumed superhero.
Likes : Could i honest say this is a perfect series, sadly no because it has a few flaws, but its ok in place but not something i find myself hook on, dosent really have the edge that CW Arrow has in pace & action but im going to give it a fair review but im not jumping on the marvel band wagon like most of the review are from.
The one thing this series had going for was the dark gritty concept but its not enough to make this a series anything to be hype about ya there are moments this series looks to be OK, Charlie Cox dose a pretty good job with the performance as Matt Murdock so there are praises there for the series, some of the other acting is ok, Vincent D'Onofrio as the king pin is ok but dosent really come off as Wilson Fisk the voice seem a little force at time but the acting is ok. i wasn't impressed with the first episode so i decide to watch the whole of season 1 to see if the show could redeem itself........ and I have to say the show sadly doesn't get any better than the first episode but some episode are better than other but still not a series worth the rating 9 out of 10.
Dislikes : The one thing ive noticed with daredevil is the length of the episodes, 1 hour long episode for its pacing is to much time for a slow pace series, i found myself getting bored of watching it wasn't actual grabbing my attention because i found my self doing other things normal a series im in to grabs my attention im glued to the screen sadly with this series i just could sit a watch this because every episode is the same pace i feel these episode are better off being 30 - 40 min long.
The lack variety in the series is poor, every episode feels the same dam thing that to me is boring not very exciting, i found this to be a very over rated series not worth the 9 out of 10. I'm not saying this because im not a fan of marvel im saying this as a film review because this series could have so much more potential but sadly fall short of that.
The other problem is the portrayal of the daredevil in this series, he suppose to be a superhuman with heighten sense which would mean he would be faster at reacting & win every fight without taken to much damage, yet this daredevil doesn't feel like daredevil because he gets he's ass kick to many time every time he gets in to a fight the concept of heighten sense complete goes out the window here this is weak writing for the character that's suppose to be a superhero.
Overall : Overrated series that's not worth the 9 out of 10, Episode are slow, only a few episode are good.
Rating: 4 out of 5 for entertainment / 5.7 out of 10 for concept / superhero theme.

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